About this Website

A Lover's Embrace isn't only about the meeting point of masculine and feminine between men and women. It is about the embrace of masculine and feminine within ourselves. We are our own lovers first and foremost ..and then when we reach a point of balance, our roots start to spread ..and we look to combine our strongest energy, be it masculine or feminine, with another of the opposite energy.

A Lover's Embrace .. is about the freedom to acknowledge these aspects of ourselves. To embrace the power of sexuality not as a physical expression, but as a pursuit of wholeness within and without, for when we are balanced in our energies ..we channel our talents better into this world and in relationships with each other ✿ Blowing you .. a Loving Embrace ✿

Saturday, September 24, 2011

kiSses: the Power of Now

I don't need memories. They just make me leave this moMent where you are... 
waiting with open arMs.
That's why I need kiSses ... they anchor me to all we have right here, right now ~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lovers Journey - The Power of Parallel Paths

✿ ~ Each moment fRom all sides rusHes to us the call to LoVe ~ Rumi ✿

Dear LoVers ...

May your roads stay parallel ..
that the richness of the individual in each of you
stay strong and true
And yet .. may both your paths never depart
so like two rails of a train track
always stay facing each other
and take every precious carriage placed upon it
successfully to its end
and at that end ..
the two of you ...
still carry on forever
for more journeys.

This is True Love ♥

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Loving Spaces: The Hidden Powers of Separation

Even the Sun ..after a day of shiNing .. turns it's face away for a bit, to return it's gaze at another point in time. Why then as Lovers .. must we constantly stare into each other's eyes? We fear not these spaces between us .. as we fear not each sunset. For we let each other go in the knowing ... the togetherness WILL come again ☆

There are moon energies in the feminine as there are sun energies in the masculine ... and both will pull at each other, as night follows day and day follows night. It is this 'attraction' that is the seed of sorrow and fear in being Lovers. For as much as that intimate embrace of sexual union is sweet, when both energies intertwine and build upon each other in a complete circle ... there is the moment of withdrawal. When each returns to the physical realms of individuality ... and the masculine can no longer fit into the feminine. His softer side emerges .. he has extracted into himself the feminine essence of flow. And this is when the feminine becomes as strong as the sun .. her desire and determination to exclusively grow the relationship connection comes to the fore. She is now carrying the masculine essence of focus.

But rarely does a man or a woman realise this exchange has occurred. And so a man will find a woman suddenly clingy and overwhelming in her desire to have his constant presence .. and a woman will feel a man is distant and moody as the waning of the moon ... for both have completed each other's circle of energies in the sweet union.

And this is why, after a sweet season of togetherness .. it is best to create and allow ~ 'loving spaces'.

Goddess ... take the masculine 'focus' energy that has been poured into you .. and apply it to parts of your life that need you to stand up and fight for what your heart wants to pursue, for what you want to see manifest in the material sense.
God .... take the feminine 'versatility' energy that your Goddess has wrapped you with .. and apply it to parts of your life that will benefit from a bit more flow, and a little less vehemence and willpower.
To do this well, both must give each other the Lover's Embrace of going separate ways ... the sacred, safe loving space.

And as sunrise follows sunset, when it is time ..when the energies are spent, both WILL come again ... together.
And so the dance will continue ... the powerful blessing of allowing Loving Spaces of Separation .. in Between Embraces ☆

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Speaking in Embrace: The Power Beyond Words

hold me in your arms and speak to me
with your heart ...
pressed close this way
my words need not flow from my lips
but from my mind to yours
my heart to your heart
.. and they flow without fear
without pause

i can say all i want to
words full of pain and despair and longing
all rolled into a prayer
for all that is us

this bond stronger than i can fathom
deeper than you dare admit

hold me in your arms and speak to me
our words need not flow from our lips
let them be pure intentions
let them be heartspeak
give our souls
the space to merely
... Love
~ ~

There are times when we speak .. and words ruin everything. These are times when what we say holds too much weight .. far more weight than mere words can hold.  And if we let them carry our intentions, they falter and the words break and misunderstandings occur .. because the meanings got lost in the tripped up words that could never in the first place be enough to carry our fears and longing and yet .. also all our love .. across to our Lover's heart.

It is at these times .. the Embrace steps in.

Holding a Lover close ... and saying all you want to silently, from the heart .. to theirs directly .. works wonders. Only say it in affirmation, word each fear into an expression of your own longing, word every request with a desire to see the other one blessed ... it is safe to be vulnerable in silence.

And in this way .. words that should have been said, are said.
And in this way .. the Love flows unblocked.
And words ... don't get in the way.
~ ✿ ~